
Reaching the Unreached through Diabetes Prevention and Care Programme : 

In 3 years 450 awareness and screening camps will be organised at the inaccessible and river-locked islands to create awareness about diabetes among 54000 traditional honey hunters, fishermen and other poor and marginalised people. They will include both male, female and adolescent population of varying age group. The camps will be organised at the remote islands in the Sundarban area. The duration of each camp will be for 1 day. 120 people will attend each camp. At each camp 48 people over the age of 40 and having risk factors for diabetes will be screened. In 3 years 21,600 people will be screened.

Under stop diabetes movement, we organize diabetes screening camps in different Villages & Island in the Hingalhanj&Sandeshkhali of West Bengal on regular basis. We identify high risk persons for developing diabetes and screen them for free. We also give them free counseling for life style modification. Persons detected to have diabetes, goes for screening for diabetes related complications at institute.

The Awareness Programme was followed by the Screening Camp, in which the balance of weight and height, the Blood Pressure and Random Blood Sugar test were done free of cost. The counselling session was carried out by the Dieticians.

Methodology for awareness: Group discussions, Lecture by doctor and health workers, Film Show, Poster Show, Group Meeting, Distribution of printing materials. Person responsible for Awareness Camps: A team consisting of doctor, health workers and other resource persons.

Support by World Diabetes Foundation , Denmark


To reach the unreached people a mobile medical unit on boat will be started from the project. The diabetic clinics will be mobile to reach the fur-flung islands in the Sundarban area. As the target area is surrounded on all sides by a wreath of rivers, revaluates, creeks and canals, the mobile diabetic clinic will be started in a big boat. For this purpose, one big boat will be hired from the owner of the boat. The boat will be equipped with different diagnostic equipments like weight machine, glucometer, pulse auximeter, blood pressure checking machine, ECG machine etc. The mobile Diabetic Clinic will be managed by 1 doctor & 2 health workers. The mobile medical unit will move from one island to other and will provide basic facilities for blood sugar test, health check up and counseling centre for the management of diabetes among the marginalized people detected with diabetes. It will be linked with the government hospital.

A  Mobile diabetic clinic was established to provide facility of care and treatment of diabetes to the unreached fishermen and traditional honey hunters. The Mobile diabetic clinic moved from one island to another island for giving access of care and treatment of diabetes to the unreached people. 6402 people with diabetes were given facilities for care and treatment of diabetes from the Mobile diabetic clinic. They were in Patient Registry maintained at the Mobile diabetic clinic. The target was to enter 6000 new diabetes patients in the Registry. So this objective was achieved 100%.

Health Program Gallery