Child Development

Asha Kiran Child Development Project  : 

The Hingalganj Island is the isolated and designated area as a place of migration. Every year thousands of people migrate from their native place to different part of India for searching of alternative livelihood option. Whoever and whenever migration happen the other members of their family are also bounded to be a part of migration. Because it was practiced that whole family members including children will earn more resource to strengthen family economic status. The children who are school going in their regular life suddenly bounded to leave schools due to migration of their parents.

Jujersa Women and Child welfare Organization during their social intervention realized this matter of violation Child Rights because of livelihood pattern of Hingalganjisland. As a child welfare organization JWCWO searching opportunity to support those children and advocate the issues to find out alternative solution for children of Hingalganj island.

In association with Rotary India Literacy Mission, JWCWO under its AshaKiran…a ray of hope, identified and supported 728 such children in Hingalganjisland. JWCWO counsel those families who are migrated for not to take their children with them, especially who are school going and advised to leave those children with nearby relatives/ grandparents etc. in effect of JWCWO counselling parents were agreed to not to take their children, who are school going. JWCWO polished those children in their education. They raised children sharpness in their learning. Children are in highly progress in their learning level and restart to school regularly. Teachers in government schools of Hingalganj block are highly satisfied with the progress and attendance of children who were dropout from their schools. JWCWO is also feeling very proud in their success. Again JWCWO proved that only in one year timeline behavior change of a particular community people is possible if proper result oriented intervention is made as per the need of the community.

Child Development Program Gallery