About Us

About JWCWO :

The Organization is fully run by the women and its
activities are among the all people of the areas
irrespective of caste, creed as per tradition of
the Indian Philosophy. Special emphasis is being
given to the women and children of the poor,
downtrodden and backward Communities,
and to rehabilitee them in the mainstream of the

Major Objective of the Organization :

Jujersa Women And Child Welfare Organization was
established in 1996, with the object of elevating the
distressed condition of women and children in the
rural areas and help the women folk of the society to be
self reliant in all respect and to rehabilitate them in the
main stream of the society

Target Groups :

Target Group of the programmes the Women who are
living below poverty line of just above, with a
special emphasis to women who are belonging to
Scheduled castes, Scheduled Tribes & Minorities
Communities and other Backward Communities & Child
Labour .

Organisation’s major area of work :

 Reaching the unreached through diabetes
prevention and care programme. Funded by –World
Diabetes Foundation , Denmark
 Reaching the unreached through diabetes
prevention & care programme. Funded by –World
Diabetes Foundation , Denmark
 Child Development Project , Asha Kiran Education
Centre , Funded by- Rotary India Literacy Mission
 Non-Formal Education
 Leadership development training program for the
 Training Program of the SHG members in micro
enterprises Development Programme , NABARD
 SHGs Bank Linkage Program SHPI, NABARD
 Vocational training program for the unemployed youth.
Carpentry & Two Wheeler Training , SFC Foundation
 Consumer Awareness Program
• Micro Insurance program through LICI
 Rural Mart for SHG Product Sales counter
For New Set up ,Funded by –NABARD